My Wellbeing – Year 2

  •  My Wellbeing -Year 2 reaches the relevant learning outcomes in an informative and engaging manner through a well-balanced use of age-appropriate explanatory text and a broad, inclusive mix of classroom activities. 
  • My Wellbeing -Year 2 contains four chapters, with each chapter covering a variety of learning outcomes. Some learning outcomes feature in more than one chapter,  allowing students to consider them at a deeper level and in a variety of contexts. 
  • My Wellbeing -Year 2 focuses on helping students improve and maintain their own wellbeing in all wellbeing domains: physical, emotional, social and spiritual. 
  • My Wellbeing -Year 2 supports students as they travel further into adolescence and teaches them life-long skills such as how to make good decisions, build resilience, self-regulate when necessary and enhance their self-awareness. 
  • My Wellbeing -Year 2 further develops the skill of empathy through end-of-chapter activities that focus on the student’s chosen avatar negotiating situations relevant to each chapter. There are five new avatars to choose from in this book. 
  • My Wellbeing -Year 2 facilitates class discussion, pair/group work and individual reflection throughout, as per the 3 cross-cutting elements of Awareness, Dialogue and Reflection & Action.