Exam Skills Geography 5th Ed.

Exam Skills Geography includes:

  • Model Answers to Higher Level Questions in ALL sections of the Leaving Certificate Exam Paper:
    Core (Physical and Regional)
    Electives: The Human Environment and Economic Activities
    Options: Geoecology and Global Interdependence
  • Additional questions and updated model answers, including LC 2023.
  • Option marking scheme and Overall Coherence Guidelines included.
  • Existing questions updated to reflect recent trends in exam style.
  • Marking schemes provided for each question.
  • ‘What You Need To Do’ box appears before each answer explaining how students should approach the question in order to maximise their marks.
  • Clear, focused SRP-based approach to answers. Total exam focus with no unnecessary information.
  • Guidelines on how to get full marks in graphing skills questions.
  • Simple sketch maps provided for questions on map and photo skills.
  • Clear, labelled diagrams used in Core Physical section and throughout book.
  • Brazil, India and the South-West USA covered in continental/sub-continental questions in the Core Regional section.
  • Options essays for the most examined topics in Geoecology and Global Interdependence.